It's Halloween month and the publishers don't fail to celebrate it.
Join in the fun with The Wild Rose Press. And why shouldn't I toot my own horn? My stories are on sale!
The Joining is 10% off and it got 5 stars from a reviewer on site. Here's what she says:
Strap yourself in for a wild ride. Ms. Holl takes the reader flying through space with the skill of a seasoned pilot in THE JOINING. And delving into the pilot's psyche is equally enjoyable. ~Skhye
For that matter, The Brightest Heaven, a Song of the Muses story, is also on sale. It earned 4.5 books from The Long and Short of It. And here's what the reviewer had to say about it:
“The Brightest Heaven” is beautifully written and entirely unpredictable. Dialogue is snappy and believable. Modern life interweaves with mythological characters as if perfectly naturally; as if indeed, space and time wove them together.
If you're still hesitating, check out the trailers on this blog (look right in the margin) or go to my site for some excerpts.
Have fun this Supernatural month!
Happiness is a Great Blanket
I’ve been curled up at home, working on the last of The Honey Pot Plot
under a blanket I impulsed a while ago. Generally speaking, I buy cheap
blankets and...
2 days ago