It's a rare occasion in this book-heavy family, therefore it is a noteworthy event. Even more so when it's a couples movie night, loudly hailed and encouraged by the kids, who merely expressed their desire to see the same film, but no envy that we went and they didn't.
Miracles do happen. And the kids' enthusiasm at seeing us go somewhere together, for our own selfish pleasure, definitely multiplied our enjoyment.
And enjoyment it was.
We went to see District 9. It was a bit of an odd choice, because usually my husband and I have very, very different tastes in movies. You'd think we'd have very, very similar preferences in reading -- after all, we went to graduate school together and shared more than one course -- but you'd be wrong.
And sci-fi? He's so not into sci-fi, and I'm so not into reality.
But it was good. I'm not going to give any spoilers, but I'm going to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the characters. The special effects were just enough to fit both the story and the filming style, and make it believable, and they were well done (of course, they were thorough and tight, but then it's a Peter Jackson movie, and he's raised the bar on attention to detail).
Good plot, good character development, and the very pleasant sense that the audience is an insider and knows more than the clueless public "out there" in the story world of the movie.
It's a tale told exactly as I want them to be. Exactly as I want to write them.
Guess what. I'm going to get the director's cut when it comes out in DVD. With all the commentaries, of course.
This is a Good Book Thursday, February 20, 2024
This week I read books about art crime and came to the conclusion that
people who buy art as an investment are idiots. I still have more reading
to do, so ...
2 days ago
I want my movie night out. We missed the Transformers movie night that was supposed to happen. And the replacement was supposed to be GI Joe but hubby hasn't found time to take me yet. Sigh. I should get a date night more than New Years Eve (which is to visit two parties and mix with tons of not a real date)
I want to see the Time Traveler's Wife.
GI Joe, shoot me!
At least you got a nite out with your husband, a nice date.
We were watching the previews and decided that our college-bound kid should watch Sorority Row as a warning.
Nah... Wouldn't do any good. She went to public school.
Oh, Masha! Thanks for the good review of District 9! I go see only about one movie a year, and it's District 9 I'm dying to see!
Your muse sister,
It was a good movie, wasn't it. Nothing like I expected it to be. very thought provoking.
And I did both Transformers and GI Joe.
Blogged about both.
I'm a sci-fi nut from way back or is it SyFy now. Don't like the new stattion designation at all.
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